OpenODB is an ODBMS that is catching large company's attention with deals averaging in the tens of millions. IBM, DEC, Tandem and SUN cannot deliver this today. In fact, large customers tell us that OpenODB is at least 3 years ahead of the competition! On November 1, 1991 HP will be offering your customers a "paradigm shift" in the way they view their business information. We will show them a way this information can help them be more competitive in the 1990's and beyond by using OpenODB from HP. OpenODB is an object-oriented DBMS (ODBMS) that allows customers to get a better view of what is really happening in their business. This can help them isolate problem areas or areas of opportunity to focus on by allowing them to model their business information intuitively. What is more, using OSQL, they can access data transparently across their enterprise, regardless of its location, data format or the system it resides on. This allows them to leverage their current investments in hardware, software and employee training. This technology has been proven to lowered costs associated with software development in a variety of industries including Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Aerospace, Defense, and Healthcare. SO WHAT IS AN OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ODBMS)? Let's first start with the basic building block, an object. An object, simply stated, is business information that is simulated or modeled in a computer. Objects encourage better decision making support because the most critical aspects of a business are more easily tracked and managed. For example, the critical business information for a manufacturing manager could be the work cells, the employees on the shop floor, the suppliers as well as their parts, and the products being manufactured. For a soft drink company, this could be the process or recipe used to make a soft drink and then the process to distribute the product to customers. The key is that objects allow you to more directly represent the complexity of these real-world aspects in your computer. An ODBMS stores objects, that is data and reusable code in the database, to be shared among a number of users. Historically, databases have only focused on storing stored data. Any changes to the code were done separately in each application. This process was both cumbersome and time consuming. With an ODBMS code changes can be done within the DBMS once and all the applications accessing this database can immediately take advantage of these changes. Also, these changes can be done with almost no down time. Therefore, the maintenance, extensibility and high availability costs associated with making changes to an application are dramatically reduced. WHAT CREATED THE NEED FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED DBMSs? The most important two reasons why ODBMSs were developed are the backlog of applications and the duplication of existing code and data. In addition, there was a growing need to tie together complex multimedia data and the reusable code in one uniform structure. Object-oriented DBMSs address these needs by combining the best features of existing DBMS technologies together: * Complex hierarchies (or network DBMS) and ad hoc queries (Allbase/SQL or Relational DBMS). * With a powerful and intuitive way to model a company's critical business information WHAT IS HP'S OpenODB? OpenODB is based on the Iris prototype developed at HP Labs starting in 1984. OpenODB combines all the power of the Object-oriented functionality plus the full functionality of a DBMS. It is the only such combination available on the market today. WHAT ARE THE BENEFIT'S OF HP'S OpenODB? 1) Faster development of new, innovative applications: * Reuse of code: to minimize duplication as changes are made in one central location, the ODBMS. * Directly modeling business information: tailored to how a customers business REALLY flows. 2) Major reduction in maintenance costs by: * Developing simpler applications: the complexity in now in the ODBMS * Easily extending the existing functionality of current applications: by using a feature called inheritance which reuses existing code in the DBMS. 3) Protect customer's existing investments by: * Providing access to existing data and code throughout a company's enterprise: regardless of its location, data format or the system it resides on. * Providing an SQL-like language: OpenODB's OSQL is semantically like SQL which allows customers to leverage their current investment in SQL developer's knowledge by shortening their learning curve. SO WHAT IS HP'S STRATEGY FOR OpenODB? There are four major thrusts to the OpenODB strategy: 1) Make the object-oriented DBMS available to a broad set of HP and non-HP computer users. 2) Build relationships with other companies that are already experts in the Object-oriented area to provide business solutions using OpenODB. 3) Drive Object-oriented DBMS industry standards by working with the ANSI and Object Management Group standards committees to help make OSQL a standard. 4) HP will sell a Developer's Release, targeted at the tool developers and showcase application builders complete with a 1-8 user license for software, manuals, support, consulting and training. A second release will be available later in FY92 at which time the product is orderable unbundled (i.e. software and manuals only). WHERE DO I SELL OpenODB? Although ODBMS is a new emerging technology, it is important to understand that it is not a replacement for current technologies like Allbase/SQL or TurboIMAGE. OpenODB offers a solution to a select group of users who need leading edge technologies to model their business information which is inherently complex in nature. WHile OpenODB also represents a potential growth path to users of relational databases such as ALLBASE/SQL, its technology complements and builds upon the relational technology rather than replaces it. Due to the evolutionary approach of the product, users of earlier database models such as TurboIMAGE should first adopt ALLBASE/SQL before moving on to OpenODB. Please contact the Sales Center to help you qualify your customer as to whether they are a good prospect for OpenODB. So, when do you sell OpenODB: Sell OpenODB when several of the following issues are key for your customer: * Has Object-oriented experience or purchases Object-oriented products * Their applications will need to be extended or modified often * They have a need to integrate enterprise-wide, heterogeneous data * Complex relationships between their data is as important as the data itself * Developing a next generation of their product * The company is known as one that uses leading edge technologies * There is a need for multimedia data storage and retrieval * A user friendly application interface for non-technical users is required * Customization of their applications is a high need * Their target environment requires high availability/fault tolerant system * There will be a large number of people using the system (10-500+) * Customer is developing on of the following complex applications: - A Geographic Information System (GIS) Like a land management company that would need to keep track of land boundaries and ownerships, mineral and oil deposits and relate this to points on a map. Another example would be a telecommunications company who wants to keep track of phone poles and regions of service and relate this to points on a map. - A Command and Control System Like the army needing to keep track of personnel that changes organizations, pay and unit based on temporary "SWAT" team duty. - A Patient Management System Like a hospital that would need to integrate multimedia data from different types of systems - A Routing System Like the need to hook up new telephone customers faster; improve telephone routing without disrupting service during emergencies. WHEN NOT TO SELL OpenODB Do not sell OpenODB when: * When the customer does not have relational database experience * The application uses structured data and has well defined transactions * The customer needs real-time performance * The customer needs a lot of tools * The customer must adhere to established industry standards, and is highly sensitive to risk. HOW DO I POSITION OpenODB VS OTHER OBJECT-ORIENTED TECHNOLOGIES? There are three different approaches to Object-oriented DBMS technologies: 1) Relational databases with Object-oriented extensions (i.e. blobs) Are a good fit when: * The advantage here is when the applications uses structured data and has well defined transactions. * Also when the customer is more sensitive to risk. Allbase/SQL is a good fit. 2) Databases from Object-oriented startup companies (i.e. C++, Smalltalk) Are a good fit when: * Applications are used by small workgroups (1-10) * Applications do not change often * Applications can be stopped when any changes are made * The need for very high performance applications exists * There exists no stringent security or authorization needs * There is not a need to coexist with existing applications or data 3) Object-oriented query language-based (OSQL) approach (HP's OpenODB) * Please see when to sell OpenODB * ORDERING INFORMATION B2466A OpenODB Developer Release for the HP9000, Series 300/400 B2468A OpenODB Developer Release for the HP9000, Series 700 B2470A OpenODB Developer Release for the HP9000, Series 800 B2472A OpenODB Developer Release for the HP3000, Series 900 CPL November 1, 1991 Price $100,000 U.S. List Ship Date Commercially available end of FY91 Description: OpenODB Developer Release includes a 1-8 user license for the software, manuals, support, consulting and training. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION There are several resources available to you to help you identify, qualify, sell and support OpenODB customers. Some of these include: Sales Tools: * OpenODB Video: "A Manufacturing Solution using OpenODB HP's Object-oriented DBMS" * OpenODB Technical data sheet: part number #5091-2702E * Executive Summary: part number # 5091-2818E * HPDESK IM HOTLINE: Slide sets, bibliography, etc. Sales Response Center or Sales Center Engineer